Wednesday, August 23, 2006

It's a GIRL!

Well folks, it's a girl! Nora Eileen was born around 1PM. She is 21 inches and 7lbs 3oz. Julie is feeling pretty good too now that it's over.

Saturday, August 12, 2006

Baby's Room Done!

Here are some pics from the baby's room. This room used to be mauve and was Julie's office. With the baby coming, we switched it over to yellow and a pastel blue (and in the process moved Julie into my office).

You can see the furniture we chose along with the Baby Snoopy pattern. The fan and the closet were decorated with some Baby Snoopy stickers. Also, didn't Joe and I do good on the border?

Baby's Crib Posted by Picasa

Rocker with Dressers Posted by Picasa

Fan and Closet Posted by Picasa

Thursday, March 30, 2006

Baby Ultrasound Pics

That's right! It's a baby! Wow - we went from house to baby awfully fast. Here are 3 pics from the ultrasound we had this morning.

Baby's head and torso Posted by Picasa

Baby's head Posted by Picasa

Baby's head, torso and fist Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Now that we're inside...

Well, I'm starting to have a few seconds here and there, so here's a few pics that I hope will get you through the New Year. Merry Christmas!

The first is a set of shelves that Julie's dad built for us. This is the pantry. They turned out really, really great! Plus, he put shelves in other closets around the house!

Pantry with Shelves Posted by Picasa

This purple room, some of you may notice, looks just like our purple room from Maryland. I didn't pick the colors, by the way, however a picture we bought on our cruise matches it perfectly.

Guest Room Posted by Picasa

Next up is the dining room. There's not too much in this room other than a table, a picture, and of course - the light! We purchased the light from Murano Glass in Venice on our Italy Tour last year. It was well worth the wait.

Dining Room Posted by Picasa

Here is one shot of our living room, which shows something very important - Julie made me unpack the tree. Yes, even with boxes of other stuff, we unpacked some Christmas stuff.

Living Room - Christmas Tree Posted by Picasa

Here is the other side of the living room. This room, despite it's deep wine color, will host a lot of Penn State items. You can see our University Chairs, our diplomas, and the little wooden cutouts above the fireplace.

Living Room - Fire Place Posted by Picasa

Matt's Office Posted by Picasa

Friday, November 18, 2005

Broadcasting Live!

We are now broadcasting live from the house!

Thanks to a little foresight, we were able to get the internet up before we moved in! I'm sure Julie is thrilled. Plus, I think this means I have to work on Sunday. Oh well.

Tomorrow is move-in day!

Monday, November 14, 2005

At Last!

Alright! Someone gimme some Etta James!

At last, we got our keys! Julie picked up our occupancy permit today, we then rushed up to our builder and were like "Here! Here! Give us the keys!"

And they did!

So, it looks like our long journey is almost over (or just beginning?). We move this weekend!

I'm sure I'll be posting up some more pictures, so don't stop checking!

Sunday, November 13, 2005

More Stuff We Did (well not me so much as someone else)

Today a good friend came over and installed our garage door openers! They are working flawlessly! Also, all the walls and kitchen cabinets are now wiped down and clean.

We're pretty much ready to move in and the private inspection passed us on Thursday, so we're really hoping it's this week. We'll find out tomorrow when I call!