Friday, November 18, 2005

Broadcasting Live!

We are now broadcasting live from the house!

Thanks to a little foresight, we were able to get the internet up before we moved in! I'm sure Julie is thrilled. Plus, I think this means I have to work on Sunday. Oh well.

Tomorrow is move-in day!

Monday, November 14, 2005

At Last!

Alright! Someone gimme some Etta James!

At last, we got our keys! Julie picked up our occupancy permit today, we then rushed up to our builder and were like "Here! Here! Give us the keys!"

And they did!

So, it looks like our long journey is almost over (or just beginning?). We move this weekend!

I'm sure I'll be posting up some more pictures, so don't stop checking!

Sunday, November 13, 2005

More Stuff We Did (well not me so much as someone else)

Today a good friend came over and installed our garage door openers! They are working flawlessly! Also, all the walls and kitchen cabinets are now wiped down and clean.

We're pretty much ready to move in and the private inspection passed us on Thursday, so we're really hoping it's this week. We'll find out tomorrow when I call!

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Of Windows and Excavating

Everything is now in place thanks to the excavator coming up yesterday. Our builder should have rescheduled the inspector to check the items again (not a full inspection), so I think we're back on track!

In other news, Julie cleaned every window we owned and found two issues
- In one corner, the wood frame was cracked
- The track of another is totally goofed up

These items are outside the inspection, but the cracked window will be replaced and an Andersen rep is coming out to examine the other one.

Also, we spent some time with our favorite engineer last night about our 12x16 shed. We think we got it all straightened out now :). More to come on that later.

Monday, November 07, 2005

Time keeps on slipping...

What's going on? Ack!

Our excavator can't go up and fix our inspection issues until Thursday! Will we have keys by next Tuesday, November 15th? Only time will tell!

Sunday, November 06, 2005


Well, on Friday, we failed our first home inspection. Some of the items that were wrong:

- GFI in kitchen didn't reset
- Insulation around A/C missing

Some of the things we're responsible for that failed:

- Small mound of dirt that need to be graded down in front
- The heat pumps are cockeyed due to the ground settling
- One doorknob is off due to (gulp!) more painting!

They took care of all their stuff, but our stuff still needs to be done. Obviously, we can go up and take care of the doorknob, but the excavator needs to do the other two things.

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Aaaaah! Carpet!

Well, the last big thing went in today and that's the carpet! Check out the upstairs hallway. Also, the linoleum went in the laundry room.

That means we're pretty much done painting. The only thing left to paint is now the trim in the bathrooms! Pfft...that's nothing!

Next up - touch up work and then inspections!

Carpeted Hallway Posted by Picasa

Laundry Room Linoleum Posted by Picasa