Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Ok, more wood, but just around windows.

We went up today and could tell someone had been there. They put in magical floating steps leading to the basement (basically suspended in mid-air). Also, strange strips of wood appeared on the left or right on each window. I can't tell what they're for. They seem to be some sort of communciation...

Window Wood Posted by Hello

Friday, May 27, 2005

We have shingles, but not in a bad way

Here's the latest pic of the house. We've got shingles and it looks like they're done!

If you split the front of the house into 4 sections, the coverage on the front goes

stucco/stone/stucco/stone (with the stone on the garage - see?).

House with shingles Posted by Hello

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

More Roof!

There's a little more roof then there was yesterday. There are 2 gables going in on the section not completed. It's drizzling today and the guys are up there doing something, but I'm not sure what. So close to being done!

House with Roof Posted by Hello

Sunday, May 22, 2005

A little bit more...

Considering it rained Friday, they did get something done at least. The garage roof is now complete. There also appears to be more boards in the back half of the house, but with the weather looking like rain all week, I don't have my hopes up.

Joe and I went up today and cut the grass. It was a huge pain and we discovered lots of grass clippings had been dumped there. Also, 3 potted plants and some dryer lint. Hmm...they were all on one half of the yard. I wonder where they came from?

Garage Roof Complete Posted by Hello

Thursday, May 19, 2005

Second Floor and More!

Our builder put in some makeshift stairs, so we went up to the second floor. Everything appears to be in place! The windows are larger than I thought, which is great. Also, the view from any window is spectacular.

Unfortunately, it's raining today, so I don't think they'll be doing much, but who knows? Julie is graduating in Frederick tomorrow, so we won't have another chance to see it until Sunday or Monday probably.

House with garage roof framed Posted by Hello

View from center top window Posted by Hello

Master Bedroom into closet Posted by Hello

Ugliest Entrance Ever!

Eww...brown Bilco door.

Bilco Door Posted by Hello

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Longer, more full lashes

It appears as though the second floor is fully framed. It also looks like our house has eyelashes at the moment.

Some of the crossbeams on the second floor are in, some are ready to go, and if the big pile of wood in the front is any indication, the second floor ceiling will be on tomorrow.

Hopefully, the rain will stay away for Friday!

House with more walls Posted by Hello

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Two floors are better than one!

Amazing! The second floor is framed, at least the exterior walls. A few interior walls are actually framed on the second floor as well. Also, the curb cutout has been put in!

Some people are warning us that one the framing is up, it seems like the whole thing has hit a wall. I guess we'll see.

NOAA is calling for clear skies all week except for Thursday, so they might get done this week! You can check the weather here. Dang you Thursday!

Front of House with Second Floor Posted by Hello

Back of House Posted by Hello

Monday, May 16, 2005

A little more wood goes a long way

As you can see, almost all of the first floor is internally framed. The second floor cross beams are in, so we think they'll be starting that soon!

Outside of house with first floor capped. Posted by Hello

View from Family Room towards Garage. Posted by Hello

Lawn\Neighbor Update

Apparently, it is a township ordinance to have your grass mowed. Thankfully, our neighbor brought it to our builder's attention. I guess we'll be up there mowing at some point.

I wonder what a million dandelions across his yard would look like?

Friday, May 13, 2005

Triple Threat

Here are three views of the first floor of our house! They must be working hard up there!

First floor Posted by Hello

Family Room window Posted by Hello

Kitchen window Posted by Hello

Thursday, May 12, 2005

We've got Wood!

Wood Posted by Hello

Woohoo! The first floor is there and the left most wall is there too! I can't believe it!

Curb Cutout

We have to move the existing curb cutout from the left side of the lot to the right to accomodate the driveway.

The builder called last night because the concrete guy was going to be up there doing something across the street. He asked if I would call the guy to see if he could do the cutout while he was up there. I left a message, but got no response.

Also, I'm heading up tonight, so hopefully, I'll have some new pics!

Monday, May 09, 2005

The prints ID the perp...

Well, I was hoping to update everyone on some color choices, but that will probably be tomorrow.

Instead, we might have a potential issue with our prints (again). The prints have shutters on them, which we asked if we could change later. The builder told us "Sure! They're just for decoration on the drawing." Well, we were picking colors today and now we found out "Oh, it's not a big deal to drop the shutter entirely, but to put another accent around the windows may require the prints to be filed again."


Sunday, May 08, 2005

Foundation or Charity


When we were in Corry, we heard the following story. I thought it was hysterical.

Julie's friend told her dad that "Julie has a foundation." He thought Julie had started a charity!

Anyway, tomorrow is our color meeting, so I'm hoping to be posting some tidbits related to colors.

Thursday, May 05, 2005

Hole in the ground, with stuff in it!

Well, the foundation is in! Woohoo! Things appear to be moving.

Foundation Posted by Hello

The next step is the framing, which should start this week or early next week. We have our final color meeting on Monday. The one thing holding us up is the shower fixtures, but we will pick something during the meeting.

Monday, May 02, 2005

Stucco Colors Picked

Julie and I have picked our stucco colors. Van Dyke is the primary and Bright White will be the accent color around the window. You can see these colors here.

We have all of our color selections done and are now ready for the color meeting where we committ to all the colors for the house.