Sunday, October 30, 2005

Plumbing, Glass, and Fall Colors

The plumbing is in! Here's a picture of the kitchen sink. The water is off and we briefly turned it on, but the hot water heater seemed to be leaking a bit. We don't quite think the plumber is done yet. The electric has yet to be hooked up to the hot water heater too.

We did notice one bad thing though. Julie was cleaning the windows and noticed one of the windows is crooked. It seems to be off the track like the shims aren't quite enough.

The other picture is just a pretty picture of the fall colors up at the house!

Kitchen Sink with Faucet Posted by Picasa

Fall Foliage Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, October 25, 2005


Here is the Carlisle Gray Cambria countertop! It went in today as promised. Now, just 2 more things:

- Plumber - Thursday
- Carpet - Tuesday

Well, then the bank has to inspect it and I suppose we have to release the final funds. And, oh yeah, there might be a private home inspection that we probably should do...

Kitchen with Countertop Posted by Picasa

Monday, October 24, 2005

Sooooo Slooooow

Things have slowed down, but tomorrow is the countertops and Thursday is the plumbing, so it's going to be ramping up again!

The grass hasn't started to come in yet, and I'm a little worried that we won't see any results this year, since the temperature has dropped below 52 degrees lately.

We're still painting! The trim is so close to being completely done, but the kitchen/foyer area is proving to be a challenge since there are so many door frames.

Julie has started taping the hinges on the downstairs doors, so we're probably have some done by week's end.

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

New Schedule

Here's the new updated schedule. The countertops didn't push us back too far I think. We were figuring on moving in the Nov. 4th weekend, which it still looks like might* happen.

* might not actually happen.

- October 25th - countertop installed
- October 27th - plumber arrives
- November 1st - carpet installation

The move-in date is sometime after the carpet. The only other thing is that they schedule the final inspection after the carpet. We're getting there!

Monday, October 17, 2005


This is what hydroseeding looks like on an acre lot. We don't have to water it or anything.

I took off today and went up to the house to meet Verizon and RCN. They both showed up and installed the phone and TV cable (respectively). So, now we have a new phone number, but I'm not putting it up here. :P

In other news...bad news on the countertop front. The countertop won't be going in this week. In fact, it won't be going in until October 25! Wait, wasn't that the day the carpet was going in? The day after the plumber, you say? Well, you'd be correct and thanks for paying attention! We're not sure how this affects the plumber and the carpet (and ultimately our move-in date), but we'll be finding out shortly.

Ugh, we'll be in there eventually...

Hydroseeding Posted by Picasa

Sunday, October 16, 2005

Front Door Painted

This picture is pretty much what our house will look like when we move in. I think Julie picked an excellent brown color that matches a fair number of the stones in the front.

We're still going up every night to paint. The upstairs trim is now finished, except the bathrooms and laundry rooms, but that's because the trim isn't completely in yet. We did put the wall color on the master bathroom finally, and got it on twice!

The downstairs is humming along as well, we got the media room trim done and started the dining room.

Our countertops should be in this week, but the guy hasn't called me to say that it's complete, so I'm going to call him tomorrow morning.

House with Front Door Painted Posted by Picasa

Thursday, October 13, 2005

Moved Back Dates - Already?!?

Wow. Already some dates have been moved back. Did our builder build in extra time before that October 31st move-in date? We hope so.

- October 13th - last cabinet for the master bath
- week of October 17th - countertop installed
- October 24th - plumber arrives
- October 25th - carpet installation begins
- October 31st - move in (tentative)

We're still up there painting the trim. Hopefully by this weekend we will be doing the doors.

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

More Painting, Driveway Started - Sort of...

We've been up at the house painting and probably will be until we move in. The walls are all finished, but the trim where there is tile, 2 crown moulding areas, all of the doors and all the frames still need to be done. That doesn't include the window frames either...yeesh.

The driveway guys were up in our area yesterday, so they decided to get started laying some better stone down and flattening what was there. The only problem was with all the rain we've been getting lately, the yard and stone is really, really mushy.

We're hoping to see our last vanity come in this week. The rumor was that the plumber was also starting on October 13th, but we'll see.

Thursday, October 06, 2005

Pump it up!

The heat pumps went in today. We decided to go with 2 heat pumps - one for the upstairs, one for the downstairs. The installer also did all the vents and thermostats today! The downside to this work? Check out the huge inside units the split up the basement!

In other news, there is a goofy little outlet below our kitchen window that has been causing some issues for us lately. After long last, we've determined that it will have to go into the backsplash of the counter top itself. The electrician will have to move it down a few inches, but we don't expect it to be an issue.

Heat Pump - Outside Units Posted by Picasa

Heat Pump - Basement Units Posted by Picasa

Monday, October 03, 2005

Insulation and 2 Unrelated Pics

Joe and I headed up tonight and painted some more in the foyer. We noticed that new insulation was in the basement ceiling and also, they blew in the attic insulation.

So, here's the calendar as it stands right now.

- October 10th - last cabinet for the master bath
- October 13th - plumber arrives
- October 18th - carpet installation begins
- October 31st - move in!

In the meantime, here are two pictures from the back of the house towards the front.

Living Room from Family Room Posted by Picasa

Dining Room from Kitchen Posted by Picasa

Tentative Move-in Date!

I just got the call! The tentative move-in date is

October 31st